Covid-19 Policy

The Arty Tribe will align to Schools, the Victorian Department of Education & Training, and the State & Federal Governments Covid-19 Policies,

and adhere to any guidelines put in place, this will include -

Mask wearing in class, and on campus as required,

Desks will be wiped down prior to the class

Materials will be wiped down / sanitised after use

Students will be encouraged to wash hands upon entering the class, during the lesson, and at the end of the lesson

Students will be reminded not to touch their eyes, nose & mouth

Students will be reminded to sneeze or cough into a tissue (or their elbow)

Soap and an alcohol based hand sanitiser will be available at all times

Sharing of resources and materials will be limited as much as possible, and sanitised after use

Parents will be reminded that if a student is unwell, they should not attend the class

Collection of students after the lesson will be from outside of the classroom, or as required by each school.

Parents will be reminded to please adhere to social distancing and mask regulations for Adults at all times, as stipulated by the school, and local government.

In the event of a Lockdown, or no in person classes permitted, our classes will switch to an online class. A link will be emailed to booked students.